ChemAxon’s Calculator (cxcalc) is a really useful command line program in Marvin Beans and JChem that performs chemical calculations using calculator plugins. There are a
Author: chris
I’m finding that I using Vortex more and more in my day job, it is an excellent application for displaying and exploring large or complex
This tutorial was kindly provided by Greg a Macinchem reader. OVERVIEW AND APPLICATION OF KNIME AND CDKDescUI.jar KNIME1, the Konstanz Information Miner, is a visual platform

ChemDoodle 3.0 from iChemLabs is the latest update of a chemical drawing package that also provides for support for many other types of chemical data such
Introduction and Background ChemDoodle Web Components are pure javascript objects derived from ChemDoodle™ to solve common chemistry related tasks on the web. These components are powerful,
The InChi group are running a short survey to find out more about the use. It would be really helpful if you have 2-3 mins
ChemDraw available from Cambridgesoft has long been the perhaps the preferred package for drawing chemical structures for publication quality graphics, it also has been used as the

DataWarrior is a data analysis tool that understands chemistry, it provides an efficient way to search, sort and analyse structure-activity data. DataWarrior was developed at Actelion

alvaDesc is a desktop tool for the calculation of a wide range of molecular descriptors and a number of molecular fingerprints from alvaDesc can be