This looks an interesting project, run python in your HTML. PyScript is a framework that allows users to create rich Python applications in the browser
Month: April 2023
MolPainter is a novel GUI tool for constructing layered molecular systems represented using PDB files, it can be used to construct multilayer molecular systems. MolPainter
alvaBuilder v1.0.10: alvaDesc v2.0.16: alvaModel v2.0.8: alvaMolecule v2.0.6: alvaRunner v2.0.8:

A new production release of UCSF Chimera (version 1.17) is available: Updating to 1.17 is required to continue to use the following tools: BLAST

The previous couple of pages described creating a SQLite database using the Terminal and then running exact searches from a Jupyter notebook, python script or ChemDraw
A Python Script At the end of the previous page on setting up and accessing a Sqlite datasets from a Jupyter notebook there was and example of
Whilst on most occasions chemical searches involve substructure or similarity searches there are occasions when a simple exact match of a compound identifier (or list
In a recent post Pat Walters highlighted the use of molfeat in a google colab notebook I thought I’d also mention other tools available from
I recently needed a list of all files in a particular folder, actually the folder contained sub-folders also containing files. This tedious task becomes trivial
I’m in the process of updating iBabel and one of the things I’m adding is the option to use some of the newer tools now