This site is intended to provide a resource for chemists using Apple Macintosh computers. The links in the menubar above give access to a variety of resources that I hope you will find valuable.
At a glance
Macinchem blog for latest news, tips and comments.
Hints and Tutorials Applescripts, Vortex scripts, Jupyter notebooks and more.

iBabel is a GUI (graphical user interface) for the open source cheminformatics toolkit OpenBabel. It also provides an interface to a variety of tools built using OpenBabel and a molecule viewer.

Mobile Science Finding scientific iPhone (and iPad) applications on the App Store can be a bit hit and miss so I’ve compiled a database of all the apps that I am aware of, feel free to send me details of any that are missing.
Software reviews A collection of software reviews and listings of data analysis, reference management tools

Cheminformatics and CompChem on Apple Silicon We all know that this new architecture is blazingly fast for video editors but what about us chemists?
Fortran on a Mac First let me say I’m not a big Fortran user but any posts about Fortran on a Mac always seem to be very popular, and I do get asked regularly about how to compile Fortran applications. The main page is here https://macinchem.co.uk/fortran-on-a-mac/
Unix Tips when dealing with very, very large files this commands can be invaluable.