A collection of applescripts that do useful things
If you want quick access to scripts I recommend selecting “Show Script menu in menu bar” in the Script Editor preferences.

You can then store script as shown below to access them from the menubar.

Applescript | Description |
Print Clipboard | This AppleScript prints any text copied to the clipboard without the need to paste the text into a text editor |
Getting Started | A easy introduction to AppleScript |
ChemDraw to Tiff | Folder action to convert chemdraw file to Tiff |
Search Un1Chem | Using ChemDraw to search Un1Chem |
JMOL2AR | An Applescript droplet to generate Augmented Reality files from JMol |
ComPVerions | Comparing Version Numbers |
PrintFolder | Print Folder Contents Applescript |
RetrieveStructure | Use Chemical Identifier Resolver to get chemical structure from name |