Whilst there are a number of proprietary applications for virtual screening there are few open-source alternatives. Whilst most of the functionality needed is available in
Tag: cheminformatics
ChemDoodle is now firmly established as one of the key chemical drawing packages that offers an inexpensive alternative to some of the increasingly expensive drawing
20 September 2023, 4-5.30pm UK time, Hybrid (at the CCDC/via Zoom) Zoom registration here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIqf-qhqjktHtSPZ0jtztLwDWnbp3CxmqUn Programme: Benchmarking Structure-Based 3D Molecular Generative Models Benoit Baillif, University
I just got details of a new script for PyMOL. The script PyMOLVisualizeFpockets.py relies on the presence of PyMOL in your environment and provides functionality to
The latest Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Information and Computer Applications interest group (http://www.rsccicag.org) newsletter is now available. It can be found on the CICAG
AlvaBuilder is a software tool for de novo molecular design (Mauri, A., Bertola, M. (2023). AlvaBuilder: A Software for De Novo Molecular Design. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jcim.3c00610; Mauri, A.,
In person at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre on Union Road, Cambridge. 7 June 2023, 4-5.30pm UK time. Social event afterwards at the Alma.Registration (for Zoom
iChemLabs have just announced the release of the hugely popular ChemDoodle 2D v12. https://ichemlabs.com/news/read?post=cd12_released ChemDoodle 2D v12 presents a new, refreshed interface. We took a
Full details here https://github.com/rdkit/rdkit/releases/tag/Release_2023_03_1 Installation injstructions https://github.com/rdkit/rdkit/blob/master/Docs/Book/Install.md
alvaBuilder v1.0.10: alvaDesc v2.0.16: alvaModel v2.0.8: alvaMolecule v2.0.6: alvaRunner v2.0.8: