Clustering is an invaluable cheminformatics technique for subdividing a typically large compound collection into small groups of similar compounds. One of the advantages is that
Tag: cheminformatics
I’m finding that I using Vortex more and more in my day job, it is an excellent application for displaying and exploring large or complex
DataWarrior is a data analysis tool that understands chemistry, it provides an efficient way to search, sort and analyse structure-activity data. DataWarrior was developed at Actelion
alvaDesc is a desktop tool for the calculation of a wide range of molecular descriptors and a number of molecular fingerprints from alvaDesc can be
When working with multiple data sets of molecules, particularly if combining them from multiple sources, one of the most common tasks is removal of duplicates.
Whilst the Mac has an increasing share of the Biology or Physics desktop, expansion in Chemistry has been limited due to the availability of key
Cheminformatics and CompChem on Apple Silicon We all know that this new architecture is blazingly fast for video editors but what about us chemists? List of
When I wrote the article entitled A few thoughts on scientific software one of the responses I got was that people did not know about the existence
Here are two variations of a Jupyter Notebook to help with docking experiments. The first version runs locally and requires the user to install RDKit,
More updates to the superb MayaChemTools. A new command line script named to extract an arbitrary PyMOL selection from a macromolecule and write it out to a