The CICAG Newsletter, which had its origins in the 1990s (when CICAG was two groups, the ‘Chemical Information Group’ and the ‘Computer Applications Subject Group’). After merger in 2006 a single newsletter continued, and this has expanded considerably in scope included a more diverse range of articles, including reviews, in depth meeting reports, opinion pieces, and more, and it has become much longer than what would normally be thought of as a newsletter. The CICAG committee decided on a new title and with a new year we have a new name CICAG Distillate.

The latest issue is available on the CICAG webpage, CICAG Distillate, this issue now runs to 90 pages and has the latest in the Cheminformatics: a Digital History – Part 6. The Ups and Downs in the Development and Sustainability of Databases and Software While Working for the US Government from Dr Steven Heller. It also includes reports from the AI in Chemistry meeting, the Molecular Simulations and Free Energies one day meeting, and Robotics and Automation online event. Details of the Nobel Prize for chemistry and much more.
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